
by Steve Henderson
Original - Sold
Not Specified
24.000 x 12.000 x 1.000 inches
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Steve Henderson
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Afternoon clouds gather in the wilderness mountains of the Pacific Northwest. The silence here is captivating and awe inspiring.
Ladycamp is a section of forest in the wilderness area of the Blue Mountains of Eastern Washington and Oregon. It is a place of quiet and peace, a place which one reaches only by hiking or walking, since there are no vehicles allowed in the wilderness area.
From the top of a hill, the hiker looks out into an ocean of trees, a forest of green that houses a host of wildlife – deer, bear, and cougar, along with the smaller animals of squirrels and birds. But the trees hide the wildlife, and coming upon them is always a surprise – and a surprise that only happens when the hiker is as silent as the forest itself.
Ladycamp, the artwork, invites the viewer into this world of the wilderness – this world that has worked well for many, many years without the encroachment of cell phones and other electronic devices. It is a world that invites the human visitor to leave the land of commerce, and business, and endless entertainment media behind and be part of a place that embraces quiet, tranquility, peace, and the gentle sound of the breeze through the trees.
This, of course, is in the summer. In the winter, the wilderness area of the Blue Mountains experiences its snow and storms – not along the lines of what one finds in Alaska or the high Rockies of Colorado, but winter nonetheless, and the visitor – should he or she decide to visit at this time – must come better prepared than during the summer’s afternoon hike.
Summer or winter, Ladycamp and wilderness areas like her remind us humans that we do not own and control our environment, but we are guests on this earth – guests who live our 70 years or so before we go on, leaving behind the trees, and the forest, and the wilderness land like Ladycamp to endure through the generations.
Featured in 23 Fine Art America groups.
March 30th, 2017