Spring on the North Fork Touchet River
by Steve Henderson
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 12.000 inches
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Spring on the North Fork Touchet River
Steve Henderson
Painting - Oil On Panel
It’s just a little river, and one that people mis-pronounce all the time:
Around here, we say TOO-shee, as opposed to Too-SHAY, because the people who named it, whoever they were, must not have been conversant in French.
But it is a determined little river, flowing through the meadows and fields, past farmlands and ranch houses of an eastern Washington valley until it meets up with the South Touchet (still TOO-shee) river and then through the little town of Dayton and onto Walla Walla (yes, there really is a town of that name) where it flows into the Walla Walla River.
Most of the year it is a peaceful little stream, its sparkling blue water flowing gently through its landscape. Standing along its banks one enjoys the happy burble; if you’re quiet enough when you approach it you may even surprise wildlife: deer, otters, a magnificent bull elk.
And then, every many years or so, there comes a spring thaw after an especially grand snow season, and the little Touchet transforms – overnight – into a raging, roaring, churning, brown deluge of angry water, rising up against its banks in a determined effort to flood the land about it, to change its course from what it has been, to assert that, though it may seem to be a tiny little river, it has the potential to be very impacting indeed.
But not today. Not on this quiet spring day when the new growth of grass and leaves is verdant, when the sun shining on the water’s surface brings out that sparkling blue. And the artwork, Spring on the North Fork Touchet River, invites you to put the cell phone someplace safe, step through the trees and foliage, and spend a little time at the edge of this little, frequently mis-prounounced, but very determined little river.
December 6th, 2024
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Comments (33)
Lori Pittenger 16 Days Ago
Congratulations, your outstanding artwork has been featured on the leading page of Impressionism group 1/2/2025! Please visit the group to view it in our online gallery. Excellent work!
Leanne Seymour 22 Days Ago
Congratulations on your feature in the Semi Abstract - 1 A Day group! You are invited to add your featured image to the group discussion thread created for archiving features along with the date of this feature. 12/28/2024
Robyn King
Congratulations your fantastic art is being featured in Over 2000 Views! Please share your artwork in our featured artist archive thread for a lasting record of your accomplishment!
Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 Views on One Image Group's Special Features Nominations For Promotion #28 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views on One Image Group....L/F/Tw
Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p
Promoting this fine artwork in the Semi Abstract group "Post your favorite images from this group - not your own and 3 a day only" and "SEMI ABSTRACT IMAGES OF WATER - WATER MUST BE THE MAIN FEATURE OF THE IMAGE" and "SEMI ABSTRACT TREES - 3 A DAY" and "SPRING - SEMI ABSTRACT 2 A DAY" and "LANDSCAPES - SEMI ABSTRACT 3 A DAY" discussion threads! f/l/X/fb