Time for Me
by Steve Henderson
Buy the Original Painting
15.000 x 21.000 inches
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Time for Me
Steve Henderson
Painting - Charcoal On Paper
Too many people do not take time for themselves.
Mothers, especially, fall into this trap – there are always chores to do, meals to prepare, children’s homework to review, bills to pay, plumbers to call, texts from work to ignore – the list, like any list, is endless, and if we do not fold it up and set it away for awhile, we will be slave to it.
And while yes, we are important, and yes, the work we do is of value and goodness (this is a crucial message to internalize because our corporate society teaches us that only “important” people are important) we are not gods, and those around us can get along for the few minutes we allot ourselves to relax, to step away from the fray, to just take time for ourselves.
The young woman in the artwork, Time for Me, has just taken a deep breath, which she will slowly release in a long, leisurely sigh of calmness. Eyes closed, she smiles inside, allowing herself to fully and completely enjoy this moment of absolute repose. The aroma of the tea wafts upward, the warmth of the mug releases itself into her hands.
Gently, and yet with strength, she leans back, her hair brushing lightly against her shoulders. This moment is timeless, and there is no limitation to it. It is enough to simply breathe, to be, to exist, away from noise and pressure, propaganda and deceit, schedules and obligations and worries and fretting for the future.
Every day there will be new items on the list, joining the old ones that didn’t get done yesterday. But also, every day, there is opportunity to step back, step away, stand still with eyes closed and heart open. And the more we take advantage of this opportunity, the greater our wisdom and peace.
April 6th, 2022
Comments (157)
Gary F Richards
Outstanding young woman portrait composition, lighting, shading and artwork! F/L voted
Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups Special Features Nominations For Promotion #23 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views Group....L/F/Tw
Diana Mary Sharpton
Nominating this fabulous charcoal painting for special feature on the 1000 view group....